Notre Dame de Paris

0,0 (0 reviews)
118 (prints)

Model description

The model shows the Notre Dame Cathedral in the scale 1: 1000.

You can use the model in the classroom by demonstrating it to students or by asking them to analyze it.


Model elements

The model consists of 1 element for printing.


Technical data

Model dimensions (XYZ): 66 x 149 x 96 mm.

Printing time: 17 h 15 min.

Filament quantity: 311 g.

Recommended filament type: SkriPLA / PLA.


If you want to learn more or recall information about 3D printing, check out our teacher training materials available on Skriware Academy: 3D Printing E-courses


Additional information

You can also use the model during on-line lessons by demonstrating it to students or asking them to analyze it. For this purpose, you can use the Skriware slicer, Tinkercad or any other 3D viewer or editor.



Notre Dame de Paris by SelfCAD is licensed under the BY-NC-SA.


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