Fibonacci spiral: a template

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105 (prints)

Model description

The model represents the Fibonacci spiral in the following sequence: 1, 1, 2, 3, 4, 8, 13, 21. You can use it while discussing the Fibonacci sequence or the topic of ratios with the students. 

This model will be useful especially during lessons concerning humanities and mathematics.


Model elements

The model consists of one  printable element.


Technical data

Model size (XYZ): 174 x 109 x 6 mm.

Printing time:  1 h 45 min.

Filament quantity: 35 g.

Recommended filament type: SkriPLA / PLA.


If you want to learn more or recall some information about 3D printing, check out our training materials for teachers at Skriware Academy: 3D printing e-courses


Additional information

The model is delicate, so it is worth being gentle while detaching the raft.





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