Skin structure

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21 (prints)


Model description

The model represents the human skin's anatomical structure, including the epidermis, dermis, and subcutaneous tissue.

The model will be helpful in biology and nature classes.


Among the files to be printed you will find:

Skin - a model of skin


Technical data

Model dimensions (XYZ): 94.27 x 66.71 x 92.68 mm.

Printing time:  15 h 46 min.

Filament quantity: 270 g.

Recommended filament type: SkriPLA / PLA.


If you want to learn more or recall information about 3D printing, check out our teacher training materials available on Skriware Academy: 3D Printing E-courses


Additional information

If you want to paint the printed model, we recommend using primer and acrylic paints.




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