Polar Bear with Seal (automata)

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A hungry polar bear fails to reach the fish held in the naughty seal’s mouth. Everytime the polar bear tries to catch the fish, the seal will sink back into the water and tease the poor, hungry polar bear. In fact, polar bears are indeed always famished because of the worsening condition of the planet due to global warming, and the North Arctic has become warmer than usual. On top of this, the melting of the ice has shrunk the polar bears’ living area, and made it difficult for them to hunt. There are many signs telling us that polar bears and the polar ice caps are slowly disappearing. The design, Polar Bear with Seal, was a paper DIY for the magazine Young Scientist. I really liked the concept, so I redesigned it into STL files. I hope this piece of art can convey a sense of beauty both in motion and stillness. While I was designing this, I put a lot of effort into observing the subtle changes in the movements of polar bears. In order to make this design work via 3d printing, I adjusted every component’s angle. Very few parts require supporting material. Ultimately, this art piece took me the longest time to design, and it’s the most complex one I have ever shared. I am extremely happy with the outcome! https://youtu.be/2ga2XGnS2OAhttps://youtu.be/UWyBoHDMF1g Thanks to SpiderMaker for sponsoring the creation of this work. https://www.amazon.com/SPIDER-MAKER-Matte-Printer-Filament/dp/B07HX9DY9F Material used SpiderMaker PLA Matte Paper White/Matte Iron blue/Matte Steel Blue/Matte Orchid Purple/Matte Peacock Green/Matte Coal Black Print suggestions 1.Layer height 0.2mm 2.Low down the flow to 90%or 95%. 3.Add oil on moveable parts https://amaochan.work/https://www.facebook.com/paperworkers/ 北極熊與海豹 調皮小海豹從浮冰的縫隙中探出頭來,用嘴中叼的魚逗弄著北極熊;當飢餓的北極熊揮掌搶魚時,海豹總是快一步的把頭縮回海面下,看樣子吃不到魚的北極熊要餓肚子了。 事實上,北極熊真的是處於挨餓狀態中!全球暖化,北極氣溫不斷上升,造成北極的海洋冰層融化,使得北極熊的活動範圍縮小、食物變少、獵食變得困難,許多跡像顯示北極熊正和北極海冰同時消失中! 《北極熊與海豹》這個作品,原本是我為《科學少年》雜誌所設計紙製DIY作品;我很喜歡這個有趣的構想,所以把它重新設計為stl的版本。我希望這個作品在動與靜都能呈現美感,所以在設計時,特別注意北極熊在姿態上的微妙變化。為了配合3d列印工具的特性,調整了每個零件的角度;只有很少數的零件,在列印時需要設定支撐。《北極熊與海豹》雖是我目前分享的作品中,耗費時間最多、設計難度最高,但最後的設計成果,我很滿意! 感謝 SpiderMaker 織造者 贊助本作品之創作 使用材料 SpiderMaker PLA 消光白色、消光鐵灰藍色、消光鋼青色、消光蘭紫色、消光暗綠色、消光黑 製作建議 1.層高0.2mm 2.流量降到90-95 3.組裝完成後在會移動零件加些潤滑油。

About the author:
I am a designer and an art creator, was drawing comic strips and illustrations from an early age. Paper craft and toys are my main directions in this decade. In 2015, I started self-learning in 3D printing, and applied this technology as an authoring tool. It’s really pleased the invention of 3D printing because it brings unlimited possibilities on creations. As a designer who loves mechanical structure and the beauty of dynamic, I begin to create robots and Automate as well. Hope these art crafts would bring more and more inspiration and imagination to all of you. 我是個設計師與藝術創作者,我早年以創作漫畫、插畫為主。近十年來以立體紙雕塑、玩具為創作方向。2015年我開始自我學習3D列印,也開始把這項技術當成創作工具,我很高興能有這樣的工具可運用,因為3D列印為我帶來更多的創作自由與可能。我很喜歡機構與動態的美感,所以現在開始創作機器人與Automata,願我的作品能為所有人帶來更多的啟發與想像。


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