Wooden Lamppost, Small Town

90 (likes)
1846 (views)
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A wan light flickers dimly at the edge of town, then the lantern is knocked free from its hook to shatter on the ground. The meager whale oil inside is not enough to spread the flames, thank the gods, the town would go up like a tinderbox.  Children play dangerous games, someone should scold them! As you search out the young culprits, you notice a large footprint, fresh in the mud. Very fresh. Your skin crawls as the tiny fire on the ground reflects off a pair of eyes not 3 paces away...   I wanted to take a go at hand sculpting some wood grain and multi-piece scatter! Let me know how you think it went! The lantern prints separate and fits on the post hook, possibly a mini's hand. Scaled for 28mm-32mm minis... I think, still not sure how the scaling system works :P

About the author:
I'm a professional voice actor, an amateur Dungeon Master, and of course a 3D modeler. Expanding my own collection for my planned games and to fill out holes in the official content. Let me know if there is something you'd like to see! I have so much fun bringing people's ideas to the table! I've been steadily getting better at modeling but have decided to start giving everything for free. This is just a hobby and I get way more enjoyment out of seeing my models used at your table than getting 2 dollars :) If you like what I do, feel free to send me a ko-fi https://ko-fi.com/rangerhfox


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