
65 (likes)
7864 (views)
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Set sail for the Isle of the Four Winds in WINDSWEPT, a new asymmetrical tabletop strategy game from Ill Gotten Games! -The game rules are in beta at the moment, and if you all want to play test it, send any feedback our way! Contents: Ships (Gray) x4 (Red) x8, Guardsmen (Gray) x9, Pirates (Red) x12, Gun Tower (Gray) x2, Settlement (Gray( x3, Port (Gray) x1, Compass (any color) x1, Wind Die (any color) x1, Placement Counters (Gray) x1, War Counters (Gray) x1 (Red) x1, and one of each of the Board and Island segments. I've included boards with the land masses separate and merged, so you can print separately and glue them, swap colors mid-print, or rig it for dual-strusion if you're savvy (Disclaimer: I'm not savvy). Also, for those of you with Tabletop Simulator, Windswept is available on the Steam Workshops:

About the author:
Freelance designer and co-founder of Ill Gotten Games.


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