12 (likes)
1576 (views)
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Inspired by Chaoscoretech's model, I remixed Colt Express Diamond Tokens by GamesBros to remove the letters and clean up the faces of the diamond. I printed them separately in clear PETG and glued them in the hands of the empty handed model of Chaoscoretech.The lettering is just filled in with a pencil as I am not allowed to remix the original model. Original models:https://thangs.com/ChaosCoreTech/Wallstreetbets-10816https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:1831464

About the author:
Designer, DIYer and er.. yes, Maker! I do a lot of prototyping, tooling, repair designs and modifications on everyday objects. Reach out if you need something designed or printed. I am gradually adding all my creations here as well as on Cults3D, Printables, and Thingiverse. https://cults3d.com/en/users/iLooSioN/creations https://www.printables.com/social/15364-iloosion/about https://www.thingiverse.com/iloosion/designs


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