Vortex Z Knob

93 (likes)
5169 (views)
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This is matching Z Knob to my Vortex Extruder Knob This will help you spin the Z axis rod to raise and lower the X gantry to check your nozzle. Most of the time you will be raising up, hence the claws on the knob to spin it clockwise. I've printed this in PLA with a filament change to get the 2 color knob. You can ofcourse print it solid in one colour. There are 2 versions included (normal and extended). The Extended version gives you a bit more clearance over the top brace. The normal one can be used if you keep your filament holder up top and need to clear the knob. I've kept the threads fairly deep too so you can screw it to any length you want. I suggest you stuff something in the cavity to keep the knob from screwing any further to your liking. I've kept the thread tolerance fairly tight to keep the knob from getting loose and unscrewing itself. If too tight to screw on, I suggest heating up the tip of the Z rod with a lighter and then screwing the knob on - basically heat setting it into place and it will be perfectly tight. Try it out and see how it works for you.

About the author:
Photographer and Graphic Artist by trade. Now discovering the joys of 3D printing and the challenges of creating 3d models.


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