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VMO VISOR V4, Apr 2020 Protection visor easy to print and resistant
(Visera de protección fácil de imprimir y resistente) INSTRUCTIONS (Instrucciones):
 https://youtu.be/gi7PAh1TBmY 1- Print the included model, as you choice (Imprima el modelo elegido)
2.- Mark the holes for screws over the clear sheet plastic (Marque los huecos en el acetato)
3.- Make a three holes on the clear sheet (Haga las tres perforaciones)
4.- Insert the three screws, to fix the clear sheet.(Inserte los tres tornillos para fijar el acetato) FOUR MODELS INCLUDED (Cuatro modelos incluidos): LIGHT: (Only 15 gr)
Height: 8mmVISOR V4-8mm.STL STD: (18 gr)
Height: 10mm
VISOR V4-10mm.STL PLUS: (27 gr)
Height: 15mmVISOR V4-15mm.STL GO PRO: (20 gr)
Height: 10mm
VISOR V4-GP.STL NEED (Se necesita):220 to 280 Micron Clear Acetate Sheets A4 (Acetato Transparente A4)
Screws (Tornillos): M3 x 4mm, 3 units
Elastic: 18 - 20 cm https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/M3-3mm-Black-Self-Colour-12-9-High-Tensile-Socket-Cap-Screws-Allen-Bolts-HT/231377977479?hash=item35df33c087:m:mFxFkuHp4RJRRRJOC__fO3A Support me (Apoyarme):  https://www.patreon.com/user?u=32471655   VIDEOS: FILTER TEST: https://youtu.be/lrQWaV4bhJ8 MASK SEAL: https://youtu.be/bpcbeetAats VISOR: https://youtu.be/gi7PAh1TBmY   DESIGNS (Diseños)   VISOR V1: https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:4244384 https://cults3d.com/en/3d-model/various/vmo-visor-v4-15gr-3d-printed-shield-coronavirus- covid-19 DECATHLON MASK ADAPTOR (Adaptador Mascara)  https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:4279946 https://cults3d.com/en/3d-model/various/vmo-decathlon-mask-adaptor-and-fit-3m-filter-3d- printed-protective-coronavirus-covid-19 MASK V3 (Mascara V3): https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:4251943 https://cults3d.com/en/3d-model/various/vmo-mask-v3-coronavirus-covid-19-improved- version https://www.myminifactory.com/object/3d-print-117089 SURGICAL MASK STRAP (Tensor para Mascaras Quirúrgicas): https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:4267364 https://cults3d.com/en/3d-model/various/vmo-ss-surgical-mask-strap-coronavirus-covid-19 SURGICAL MASK SEALER (Sellador para Mascaras Quirúrgicas): https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:4264890

About the author:
This channel is for the development of tools for the fight against COVID-19, using 3D printers, and to support the users of those printers. 
(Este canal es para el desarrollo de herramientas para la lucha contra el COVID-19, utilizando impresoras 3D, y para dar soporte a los usuarios de esas impresoras). I am Engineer and have more than 15 years working with CNC machines, especially CO2 Laser Cutter, and start using 3D Printers last year. When the Coronavirus Pandemic start, I decided to work all day long creating 3D Printed designs, for protect peoples against it. Today 19, April 2020, I have 14 designs and more than 3500 downloads of my designs. I will keep working in this all I can. We have to work than fast as possible to save lifes. (Soy Ingeniero y tengo mas de 15 años trabajando con equipos CNC, especialmente cortadoras laser de CO2, y el año pasado comencé a trabajar con impresoras 3D. Cuando comenzó la pandemia del Coronavirus, decidí dedicarme completamente al diseño de equipos de protección, para proteger a las personas del virus. Hoy 19 de Abril de 2020, tengo más de 14 diseños y más de 3500 descargas de estos, Voy a mantenerme trabajando tanto como pueda, Tenemos que trabajar tan rápido como sea posible, para salvar vidas).


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