Valkia the Barbarian

13 (likes)
460 (views)
This product is available only if you have an account in My Mini Factory service

Can be used as a proxy for either a Chaos Chosen or Valkia the bloody. This includes everything in the model; however, the body, legs, and wings are compressed versions of the original. Except for the modified portions you can and should download the original model and scale it down to 33.37%. Body: Spear: Spear2: Spear3: Spear4: Spear5: Sword and horn: Sword 2: Sword 3: Sword 4 & 4.1: Sword 5: Axes and Whips: Shield1 & 1.1: Shields for the future:

About the author:
This is purely a remix profile. All of my designs that I post here are almost certainly a remix of someone else's work. I either ported it over from Sketchfab or sketchup for 3d printing or they are modified versions of tinkercad and thingiverse models. I will strive to note who i took the initial model from but some of these i worked on several years ago so if you see your model and I didn't site you just message me your user name and the url that the model is on and i will site you.


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