Universal Joint Two Axle (outer)

4 (likes)
1448 (views)
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The third in my linkage colection. This time a different universal joint with the axles on the outside held by arms from the center. This could be used for a trailer connection with two wheels or one wheel where the vertical axis would then have to be towards the front in order to work properly so that the trailer does not fall to the side when 90° to the path of travel. (sorry, I am drifting into another project of mine!) Quite a big print and therefore I reduced the infill to 10% as it is only a model but still a wopping 4:45 hours. I used no support and I was amazed how my printer handled the "roofs" of the rather larg holes (10mm!) The axles are printed horizontal for line strength. The small pins are only to center the big parts until they are glued together so strenght is not too serious here. The build is easy again and sanding was not realy necessary. Whatch the video. Enjoy!    Printer: Creality Ender 5 pro Hot end: 200 Build plate: 60 Build speed: 80 Fan speed: 80 Filament: PLA (creality)   This is only for education.



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