Unicorn Alien Marine Bust

23 (likes)
1615 (views)
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Scifi Alien unicorn bust which I created sometime ago but recently cleaned it up for 3d printing. The spine segement piece is a attachable/detachable stand which contains a peg that fits into the hole at the bottom of the bust You can print this either 2 ways, -1st Methord: You can print the [FullBust] stl and [SpineSegement] stl. This methord will require more support material due to the amount of overhangs but may be more suited for SLA printing. -2nd Methord: You can print the stl numbered from 1st to 4th as well as the [Spine_Segment] stl. This will use less support (overhangs are still present) but will be printed in more parts and will require glue to attach to eachother (guide of how the printed pieces are attached to eachother in the gallery). If you like the model, please consider following for more printable models in the future :)



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