Tyty bug party terrain remix 231 - 240

111 (likes)
2321 (views)
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Bug army full table terrain part 24.I start from the excelent work of AxoloteGaming and onebitpixel.Take a look and support them, they are great! Join my website to get all of them for free https://proxywars.eu/ I've got a lot of fun remixing them while learning remixing.I spent more than 550h on them.I could not stop trying new things, And I've only done half what I wanted to. Here is my last kickstarterhttps://www.kickstarter.com/projects/alario/theoutpost

About the author:
Passionate about History, Wargame and Strategy since my childhood, my dream has always been to offer our own gaming experience. I started drawing 3D models and reselling in 2019, always keeping in mind mind this ultimate goal. I have also produced a very large collection of terrains designed for immersive play. Faced with the constraints of the creator and the seller. I quickly sought to make STL files that could be printed quickly in good quality and without supports. Even if this initially reduced the artistic choices, today it is a strength that allows me to offer beautiful and varied products. While remaining easy to print and therefore little paid. At the same time, I continue to work on our own game systems and existing game mods. I really hope I can bring this experience in the most modern way possible, with freely available rules and game support apps.


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