The Multi-Layered Leverless Fighting Board / Fightbox

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Welcome combatants!Here is the latest instalment of the Multi-Layered series and with it we do away with the joystick, all button tapping, zero waggling!This is kind of a mini fightbox as I have used a small case but I could do another bigger, more standard sized version in the future. Print the button parts upside down and maybe use a brim if you're printing multiple at once to stop them being unstuck due to the small contact area. As an encoder I utilise a RP2040 and drag & drop some files onto it ( ). They are tiny boards that are easy to fit in somewhere. BOUT 1... FIGHT! --PATREON & PATREON SHOP.-- Thanks for your continued support!

About the author:
Designer of things. Arcade parts, joysticks and other videogame related projects, usually. Printer: Adventurer 4 & Bambu Lab A1


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