TETHRA: Support for 34mm Condenser Capsules 1st order Ambisonics

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250 (views)
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Brass support for 34mm Condenser Capsules to make a 1st Order Ambisonics Tetrahedron Mic.Is has to be printed with CNC.Capsules are inserted by pressure. This ensure the electric contact with the brass support.The support can be connected to ground or to the + polarization voltage. It depends form your choice with the architecture.In case of +V connection, an isolation layer should be foreseen under the base and teflon nuts and screws should be forecast. On each ring there is the name of the Capsule, to facilitate the assembly and orientation. I added also the .STEP file in case you need this format over the .STL Let me know if you use it, in which project fo you you used it and let me know feedbacks please.



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