Super Honk

10 (likes)
3239 (views)
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Here's my musical instrument for the SelfCad August 2020 design competition. I thought it would be cool to be able to play two notes at the same time on a trumpet, so I came up with this thing. It's a normal B flat trumpet combined with a piccolo trumpet, which is an octave higher. I'm not really sure if it would actually work, but it's kind of cool looking. Since it's supposed to be a trumpet, I highly doubt it would work if it was 3D printed, so I opted out of making the entire thing hollow. I accidentally merged all the pieces before I knew I shouldn't have done that, and I didn't realize it before I couldn't undo the merge, so I'm adding another file which I fixed using Netfabb, since the magic fix tool in selfcad would destroy it. Designed and uploaded with #selfcad #sculp-with-selfcad #print-with-selfcad Edit: I just realized that you don't need/can't use the "finger hook" on the piccolo trumpet side because all of your fingers are used by the valves, not that it really matters. Someone pointed out that it wouldn't work anyway, though I still have hope it would.



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