Sudoku Cryptex

29 (likes)
3277 (views)
This product is available only if you have an account in My Mini Factory service

Sudoku wrapped around a Print-in-place Cryptex (OpenSCAD source on GitHub) A friend suggested trying a Sudoku after seeing my Riddle on a Cryptex. The easiest version would be an already solved Sudoku, but you must arrange the rings so that no numbers are repeated on any row. This one is a 6x6 Sudoku and there are also smaller 2x3 boxes which cannot contain duplicates either but they are not indicated. Also a bit more robust than previous versions which makes for virtually no post-processing. The nice chunky rings turn straight off the printer. It is also smaller to accommodate only using 6 digits but it's about the right size to contain a rolled up bank note.



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