Subby the interactive youtube subscriber robot

10 (likes)
3038 (views)
This product is available only if you have an account in My Mini Factory service

video: Editable Fusion 360 source files can be found here: Subscribe to my youtube chanel to make the robot move. Share with your friends and familly so they can also make the robot move. Link to build  You can always check my youtube chanel to see if the robot is online. link: To get the subscriber amount from my YouTube chanel I made a visual basic aplication that searches for the subscriber number in the youtube chanel URL page. The aplication will than send this number to the COM port using serial strings. The arduino will receive this serial string wich contains the subscriber amount number and will than give command to the servo's. I uploaded the visual basic program to my dropbox link: Components used: 8 × 9g Servo motorlink: 1 × White LEDlink: 1 × 200 ohm resistorlink: 1 × Arduino nanolink: 1 × prototype board 4cmX6cm type: 107822J2Hlink: 1 × 2S lipo batterylink: 1 × DC to DC step down regulatorlink: 1 × 5V relay to switch the car horn on and off and other functionslink: 1 × Heat shrinkslink: 1 × Small PCD push buttonslink: 1 × 12V car horn More info can be found here: All my project files, instructions, schematics, are provided for free so everyone around the world can enjoy them. Feel free to support me so I can create and share even more awsome projects. Any amount of support is greatly appreciated :-) Have a nice day!

About the author:
All my latest projects and files can now be found here: I'm charging a small fee to cover the cost of the website, enjoy! I'm a maker. I design and create my own projects and build them from scratch. My favorite tools are my 3D-printer and laser cutter. I own a 3D printer since 2014 and still use it almost every day. I like to design 3D models and sometimes also animate it. Besides 3D printing and modeling I also like aviation a lot. I fly RC drones, helicopters and planes.


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