Styriwar Kickstarter Campagin Free Miniature

73 (likes)
2392 (views)
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Color: Hello everyone! These knights are part of our Kickstarter campaign "Divide et Impera" for test-printing and painting. They are intended to be 28mm tall,but can easily be scaled upwards and downwards to either 15mm or at least 54mm. If you enjoy these and want a whole army of mounted, dismounted knights, famous characters and all the peasants soldiers you'll need for the Crusades or similar 12th/13th century conflicts, please considerbacking our kickstarter at: . And if you're early enough at that you've got the chance to get one of our limited early birds-slots with a hefty discounts and exclusive designs. And if you later on wish for someone else to print all the designs from this campaign for you, visit Stronghold Terrain ourexclusive partner: - Samuel, Styriwar.



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