
1 (likes)
1648 (views)
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The SturdySpool allows you to quickly and easily mount a spool anywhere on your shelving unit, providing an extremely strong and stable attachment point that allows the spool to spin freely but with no wobble or annoying noises.  When there is no spool on the SturdySpool, it does not obstruct access to the objects beyond. If you do need to move the SturdySpool and the spool it is holding while printing, you can do so with just one hand and without disturbing your print! This leaves your other hand free to grab the filament (or anything else) that was behind the SturdySpool. The 1" x 2" lumber or 18mm version is designed for Joel's filament shelving, and the 7mm version is designed for the wire rack shelving that I use.  This design is easily adaptable to most shelving and spool dimensions, please send me a message if you'd like a version made to your specifications. Happy printing! Designed in FreeCAD



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