Star Wars Legion Terrain - Cargo Pods

389 (likes)
12229 (views)
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I live in a port city, and my morning commute goes by the shipping centers every day. There are always piles of shipping containers waiting to be shipped out, or put on trains to go inland. I thought it would be fun to imagine a space cargo pod with that same idea. I built a base pod, and then created a number of variations with different shipping logos from around the Galaxy. I also included a blank one if you wanted to make your own shipping company. I created the following: Cargo - generic cargo, using Aurabesh to spell out "Cargo"Hutt Clan - spells out "clan" in huttese font.Naboo - Using the naboo symbol, and naboo font.Mandalore - using the symbol from Boba's armor, and a Mandalorian font.Imperial Shipping - Empire logo, and "IMPERIAL SHIPPING" in Aurabesh font.Trade Federation - Spelling out the name in Trade Federation font.Meeples - Honoring my local game store where I play Legion, spells Meeples Games in Aurebesh.If you'd like to purchase a print of this, you can check here are FunBoardGames on Etsy who is the only authorized vendor of these printed models. Check my other models for Star Wars Legion here: Tatooine Hut Tatooine Dwellings Crates, Barrels and Barricades Desert Fence/Wall Moisture Vaporator Communications Tower Power Generators Imperial Bunkers Fuel/Chemical Tanks Modular Watchtower and Walkways Imperial Endor Bunkers Cargo Pods Modular Trench System

About the author:
Here are some of the areas that I've enjoyed making models in for games I like, or want to play. Gaslands I've created lots of weapons, and terrain for this awesome game. I see lots of room for creative additions that interest me. Frostgrave/Mordheim/Rangers of Shadow Deep I love this type of tabletop fantasy skirmish war-gaming, where you can set up a quick table and play a fun game with miniatures. I've got a lot of ideas for more terrain here. There are plenty of great games out there that could use this type of terrain. This is Not A Test Mutants/Wasteland/Survival! Yes, I love this Fallout inspired game, and want to build out terrain for my table to play. (If I could find people to play that is) Tabletop Board games I've actually published a couple games so far, and plan to keep designing board games. You can find my game Dice of Crowns, and the sequel Dice of Pirates on and I love board games! I like making upgrades, and additions for games I play, as well creating my own. D&D/Dice Collecting I am an avid fan of dice. I love dice. I collect all sorts of dice for fun. I've created a number of "dice accessories" for the collector, and player. I also run a D&D game with my son and his friends so I have ideas for supporting that hobby too. I even created a set of unique polyhedral printable dice. I've done a lot of research into 3D printable dice and fairness as well. As you can see... I've got lots of ideas. Too many sometimes. I make models of the things that interest me, and share them with people. I love seeing people print and enjoy the models I make. Badger


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