SSR Relay Cover

6 (likes)
1207 (views)
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SSD Relay cover + Lid with termination, 2 x 3-core cable grip (tie wrap), earth point and neutral terminal recess. (image from unclean bed print) Also a Cutout version with lid with lightning symbols. Disclaimer: No implied Suitability or Electrical standard. Use at own discretion. Use an earthed heatsink. I have used it on a Trumastore 850W  anti-boil dry modification for a caravan. It ties into the water pump circuit i.e. No pump then no power to element.. Replacement element is £123- £175 rip-off price.  

About the author:
Engineer designer, using Blender (main), Freecad, Tinkercad, Inkscape, Librecad, Meshlab, LibrePCB.


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