Spider-Man - Statue

40 (likes)
5058 (views)
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Your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man!  From talented 3D artist CZeta, OpenFigure3D brings you this amazing statue of Spider-Man, inspired from the Marvel comics and movie characters. This model was made by posing an actual fully-3D printable articulated figure made by CZeta, who gives us this statue as a taster. If you'd like to get his fully articulated Spider-Man figure, along with many others, check it out here! See the Printing Details section below for more instructions. For now, please note that: • OpenFigure3D is a collective where several designers and 3D artists share 3D printable articulated figures & character sculpts. These are fanarts & originals.• THIS MODEL IS FREE, DO NOT BE FOOLED AND PAY FOR IT ELSEWHERE.• Please don't publish these files elsewhere. OpenFigure3D is meant to be OPEN, contact us to be part of it, let's keep it all here.• This is no Bandai, Hot Toys, S.H. Figuarts , Figma, Black Series figure lol. It's 3D printed so it will not be perfect - but hey, it's free and fun!  Thank you for printing our figures and models! We hope to see your photos here or on Instagram at @openfigure3d Please remember to keep this models to yourself, support us by not re-publishing or selling them. We will continue to create more free fanarts and originals here!   Credits: Thanks to 3D artist CZeta for this sculpt and print photo. Please follow them on Instagram and Facebook to support their work!instagram.com/gearfighterczetahttps://linktr.ee/GearFighterCZeta   Thanks to cHipsandRamen for the snowy outdoor photos, and to Kuma for the print photos in Winkle marble PLA.   [ ! ] This model is for personal use ONLY - do not distribute digital files or sell physical reproductions. Peter Parker, Spider-Man, The Avengers, and all of its affiliated properties remain the intellectual property of Marvel Studios, LLC . under Disney. Characters, Names And Related Indicia Are Property of their respective owners. This model is a non-profit, fan work inspired and based on the appearances on screen. You are forbidden from selling this 3D digital file or physical print. No infringement is intended.

About the author:
OpenFigure3D are fully 3D printable articulated action figures, created openly by 3D artists, leveraging the articulations developed for our first figure: Iron Man MK3. Started by Dany Sanchez, also creator of MiniWorld3D.


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