Spacehulk HVAC Door EasyOpen

174 (likes)
6512 (views)
This product is available only if you have an account in My Mini Factory service

Edit 24/1/2022: Added a new v4 version of the frame which is a bit less bulky on the sides. Should look as a better fit to the tubular frames of the HVAC Tunnels. If it's not included in the zip-file, check Object Parts tab.This is a more open door & set of door inserts for Dragon's Rest HVAC kit ( to replace the closed circular doors. As I'm printing my HVAC in tiny 80% scale I wanted to improve playability so I could place minis inside the door square more easily. Completely modeled from scratch by myself in Blender. I have just matched the dimensions and aesthetics of Dragon's Rest HVAC Tunnel Kit parts.Also check the additional Broken Door Inserts:



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