South Korean K2 Black Panther with K-APS

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45 (views)
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A highly detailed model of the K2 Black Panther MBT with K-APS as seen on Eurosatory 2024 in Paris. This is one of the most detailed model we have made so far. One of the most important novelty is the variable uspension that we made possible. Since the K2 MBT has hydro-pneumatic suspension and can use this to regulate the height of it's suspension to suit the tactics and terrains it faces, we made this possible. Just see the pictures what we mean. Anyways, a very interesting tank, and it's free as a teaser for you, so that you will know what kind of quality our models offered have. We will release one free models for any significant milestones we have. This is one of it. This won't be possible without your support. Thanks a lot. This model has comparable details to plastic kits, ideal for making dioramas If you are interested in military models, you can join my tribe on MyMiniFactory to get 5 free models each month, and 1 loyalty reward model each 3 month, and a 60% discount for all model relased before you joined. All for just USD 19.99 per month. You can follow this link:

About the author:
Hello, i am Ikhsan and i am a defence enthusiast and scale-modeler with deep passion for military hardware. My mission is to provide realistic military scale models with details comparable to that of plastic model kits and ease of build comparable to 3d printed wargaming pieces. My vision? Creating an eco-system of scale-modelist and wargamers alike where they get quality products affordably while i can live my passion and live from it. I mainly make models that do not exist on the plastic model kit market, or if it does exist, is extremely expensive. Those who still love the old ways of realistic models deserve better treatment. My team and me will dilligently work to make sure a balanced combination of details and ease of prints can be achieved. Everything that are on offer are always test-printed first. No models will be released without the accompanying picture of the finished model. Kind regards.


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