Soda Bottle Spout - Morwenna

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No-Touch Water Spouts for Soda Bottles Maintaining proper hydration is important when you're participating in sports and other strenuous activities. When you're wearing a helmet or heavy equipment, it can sometimes be hard to access the top of a water bottle. These spouts screw onto the top of a standard soda bottle, allowing it to be reused as a no-touch water bottle for sports and other activities. It includes a loop at the back for attaching a hanger or handle. Dame Morwenna is an amazing lady who loves to see people enjoying themselves at events and on the field. But her name can also strike fear into the hearts of those who may not be keeping themselves properly hydrated; the threat, "Drink, or I'll tell Morwenna!" is enough to send even the heartiest bodies scrambling for the nearest cup. This version of my bottle spout has the text, "Drink! or I'll tell Morwenna!" embossed on its support/flag, to encourage everyone to stay safe and hydrated while they enjoy themselves. The threads are based on a normal soda bottle (the PCO-1881 beverage bottle thread standard), so it should fit on just about any standard (1-liter, 2-liter, 24-ounce, 16-ounce, etc.) plastic soda bottle. I have published a number of different variations on this design, including one with a blank flag for adding your own label, and one with no label area, if you'd like to save a little bit of filament and print time. I've also included a short version, for use with printers with smaller printbeds (it fits within a 90mm square), or for users who just want to spend less time and filament on printing them. The prints will need a couple of standard off-the-shelf parts for completion:- One standard food-grade hose washer per spout, which presses into the bottom of the threaded portion of the spout, to seal against the neck of the bottle.- A short length of food-safe 3/8" tubing, long enough to reach the bottom of your bottle. Assembly and Use:Trim off the small round feet at the end of the nozzle - they're just there to provide some extra bed adhesion. Assemble the pieces as shown in the photos, fill your bottle with water, and screw the spout onto the threaded neck in place of the bottle's cap. A good firm squeeze on the bottle should result in a stream of water from the nozzle.   Recommendations:- Print with more perimeters than usual, to prevent leakage through gaps. - Set your slicer for a bit of over-extrusion, to use more filament and fill gaps between layers. - Print these without support, or your slicer might try to fill the water channel with support material. If you decide that you want supports for the hanger loop at the back, use settings to generate only printbed supports.- Food-grade hose washers are commonly available for use with recreational vehicle utility hookups. Look for them wherever RV accessories are sold. - Although most contact is limited to the bottle and dip tube, water will be flowing through the printed nozzle during use, so choose your filament accordingly.- Be sure to rinse and dry your spouts thoroughly after use.

About the author:
I start with a blank screen. Code goes in, and a physical object comes out. I doubt that will ever get old. I mostly design and print mechanical and technical parts for various projects, with occasional forays into decorative items. I do most of my design work in OpenSCAD.


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