Soap Compressor

15 (likes)
2576 (views)
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While showering one morning, I looked at all the little bits of used soap that were loitering in the shower tray and thought that I could do something with them. I was sure I'd seen a press or similar for sale a long time ago, but upon Googling had no joy in finding one. No problem, I can make my own I thought. I have basic design skills (TinkerCAD level) but I was sure I could knock something together. I came up with the soap compressor. Many thanks to YSoft_be3D on Thingiverse for the design of the bolt ( There was no way I could do that myself in TinkerCAD. It works quite nicely. From my own experience I would recommend: 1) Cheesegrate the soap leftovers first. 2) Add a little water and mix together. 3) Before putting in the soap compressor, rub a little vegetable oil on the base plate and the underside of the lid to facilitate easier release. 4) Tighten slowly, dont overdo it. I used PLA+ and its just about strong enough. ABS or PETG would probably be better. 5) Once the new soap puck is removed, leave to dry for a little while. It was a fun little project, Enjoy!



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