Smoother Airflow Fan Shroud

1 (likes)
1372 (views)
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Based on my previous fan shroud, this design directs the airflow more directly from the air intake to the exit vent. This allows a less turbulent flow, giving more uniform and constant cooling for the part being actively printed. The shroud also has the air intake fan mounted closer to the extruder's center of mass, causing less wobble and vibration during rapid acceleration and deceleration movements.

About the author:
From the Empire State; FFFTechnology is an undertaking to bring common use, open source hardware to the masses. Everything designed has a function, with little care for frill; while using just the right amount of material to get the job done. All designs are tested about a month's time before uploading, so nobody has to feel like a beta tester when they just want a tool that works. You'll find designs from a variety of fields; from domestic usage models like coat hooks, table lamps, and door wedges; to more "specialty" models like the E-Vise Series, Raspberry Pi enclosures, and the IPi Security Camera Series. Everything on this site, my own site, and Prusa Printers are 100% open source. Everything here is free to download and share with others as you see fit.


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