Smart Pen Laptop Clip - usb

8 (likes)
4378 (views)
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This clip goes into the usb port of your laptop and holds your smart pen. It was designed for the hp active pen but works with virtually any smart pen and most regular pens (if you needed that for some reason).  Its design keeps the pen sturdy while traveling but allows it to pop out easily when needed.   To make this get an old charger you dont need anymore that ends with a usb. Cut the wires as close as you can to the plastic. Sand down the rest to fit inside this part, hope it fits, or.. cut the plastic off completely and use electrical tape/putty of some sort to bring it back up to size or fill in the gap.  I'm aware the pictures are on a surface pro which has a magnetic side bar anyway. This was made for a friend and the pictures are a proof of concept.  

About the author:
I accept design jobs, just send me what you need with the necessary design stuff (sketches, descriptions, measurements, pictures of broken pieces, etc.) I primarily use SolidWorks in case you're wondering.


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