Small Suitcase

5 (likes)
1942 (views)
This product is available only if you have an account in My Mini Factory service

Today I've designed and 3D printed a small suitcase. Here is the I'm really proud how it turned out. You don't need any hardware just your filament. CA glue is required.Internal dimenssions are 220mm x 140mm x 24mm (about 8.5in x 5.5in x 0.95in) You need to print:Top.stl (no supports required),Bottom.stl (no supports required),Handle.stl (you can use supports, bo not inside),LatchPinsHingesall.stl (these are all the small parts: LatchSwing.stl, LatchPin-2pcs.stl, BottomHingeSmall-8pcs.stl,BottomHingeBig-6pcs.stl - use supports). Assembly is easy, just add glue and slide all the parts in the dovetailed slots.Afterwards you can slide a piece of 1.75 filament to connect the hinges.Maybe it would be possible to assemble the hinges first and then insert them to the bodies. Check Trianglelab on Aliexpress: affiliate link, you pay nothing extra, I get small change, I am not sponsored by them, they just have great price/value ratio for 3D printer parts and a free shipping. You can support me in various ways: smash the like button and subscribe to my channel: - that really helps me, thanks!buy me a coffee (filament in fact): more info about me you can visit:Thingiverse: blog:https://medyk3d.000webhostapp.comLbry:$/invite/@medyk3D:eTwitter: Share the love and 3D print everything.

About the author:
I am a maker and I like to make stuff. I enjoy challenging myself. Visit my youtube channel and leave a comment or a thumb up: If I can repair or make something useful I am up for it. Never afraid to fail, because that is how we learn and improve. Instagram: TikTok: Twitter: Odysee:


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