Small Star Empires minifigs

6 (likes)
1339 (views)
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These are modelled after pictures of minifigs in Small Star Empires. I bought second edition of SSE and I was a bit disappointed that it did not have the minifigs in it. I went over to their site in hope of being able to buy the minifigs separately, but it was not possible. As I have a Flashforge Finder 3D printer, I looked for minifigs to print, but I struck out. Hence I made my own versions, modelled as best as I could after the pictures on their site. Even though they are quite simple designs, it still took many, many hours to make - but it was a fun process! These models are free to download and print for personal use, but the rights to SSE is Archona Games, of whom I am not affiliated with. Observe that the Power, Ability and Score tokens are my own design. The models were made using Sketchup and it does not always export to STL well. Some models, Flashprint (the slicer Flashforge uses) needs to "repair" and it is not always visible what has been fixed.



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