Sidewinder X1 (and other Artillery) Spool Holder Fix

73 (likes)
10975 (views)
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I love the look of the stock spool holder on the Sidewinder, BUT I didn't like that it had to be adjusted to fit different spool widths. So in any maker fashion, I made a fix that uses the stock side plates and half of the split bearings to make a universal width (up to 125mm) spool holder. Simply split the bearing and reuse half, use the stock screw and nut to affix it to the side plate. The printed roller simply is sandwiched between the plates and with a light squeeze, fits the bearings in place. If you want to put the bearings in place in the tube first, you will need a 3mm x 135mm threaded rod and nuts. I preferred to use as much stock hardware as possible.



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