Shoelace tie helper

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6910 (views)
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Most common everyday practical shoes have laces on them. However, tying them is a nearly impossible task for someone with limited mobility in their hands. This  device simplifies the process of tying shoes by incorporating a screwing method. The device allows you to insert your shoelaces in and screw in the bolt to tie your shoes by inserting the lace into the hole of the large ring attached to the bolt sleeve, and then loop it over and placing the aglet (plastic tip commonly found on the end of shoelaces) onto the top of the bolt into the holes, you can then screw the bolt in and have the shoes tied. The design is meant to be small in order to not draw too much attention when on the shoe. The design incorporates bumps on the bolt to aid with grip, and has a small compact design. This device can help people with limited mobility in their hands by simplifying the process of tying shoes which is pretty much an everyday task most people have to overcome. The device is intentionally designed to be a screw with a rigid bolt in order to increase grip, and to allow for one-handed tying. Many of today's shoes have laces, and although there are alternatives such as slip in shoes, they are not as common to find, can tend to be much more expensive, and are not as practical, comfortable, or durable compared to shoes, such as sneakers, which have laces to conform closely to the user's foot. The only other comparable alternative is Velcro, but Velcro can be a hassle especially if dirt or other substances get in them and takes a long time to clean afterwards and make them unusable when substances get into them. Laces however, are small, thin, and compact making it the best in shoe tying and are completely reliable to be functional even after years of wear. Additionally, the shoe market for most comfortable and common everyday shoes is almost entirely revolving around shoes with laces, because laces are the cheapest and easiest method to adjust shoes and are easy to produce for the shoe companies. This product will open up that market for those with limited mobility in their hands, and will allow for a broader market of shoes for those with limited mobility in their hands. This device is compatible for almost any disability concerning the arm and hand. This device can be worked with, for example, by people who cannot fully close their hands by using their palms to screw in the laces, by those who cannot open their hands entirely, by either using their hands or wrists to screw it in, by people who are only able to utilize one arm,  to use the device one handed, and many more possibilities. Additionally, thanks, to Aubenc for the original thingiverse bolt design which was inspiration to my design.



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