ScatterBlocks: Daemonic Altar (28mm/Heroic scale)

214 (likes)
5953 (views)
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KICKSTARTER ALERT! We're currently running a Kickstarter campaign for the extended range of our ScatterBlocks (quick-assembling miniature terrain), so drop on by and drop us a pledge if you want the full range. For those of you supporting us (or thinking about supporting us) on Patreon, all the rewards will go to our backers there as well (as we do with all our crowdfunding campaigns). This piece is designed to compliment the Daemonica texture set, the first stretch goal unlocked by our backers. (Thank you!) If you want to print a set of blocks now, you can find the Cyclopean Stone set here on Thingiverse. Like all ScatterBlocks, it prints quickly and without the need for rafts or support. PLUS- backers at the $25 level will get the play test starter kit for our new game, Wrath & Ruin, a blend of simple miniature wargaming and physical boulder-throwing (check out the video). We're pretty excited about this one, and would love to get others in on the play testing phase before we expand and go wider with the game. Enjoy

About the author:
Freelance designer and co-founder of Ill Gotten Games.


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