Ruger MkIV 22/45 Lite (2020) Picatinny rail

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My quest into learning Fusion360 continues and I've now produced this Picatinny rail that mounts under the barrel on this specific model (as shown in photos), namely Ruger MkIV 22/45 Lite (2020). There are some different hole configurations than what you see in my photos, but they are less common, atleast for 2020 designs. My design only works for one hole config, this. The rail doesn't always snap on per say, you may need to jiggle it a bit and use the 'pull tabs' to open it up. There is a technique. But once it's in place, it is NOT going to fall off, I can assure you. To uninstall it, use pull tabs. It fits snug with very little movement and the weapon can be broken down easily with the rail still attached when oriented in the way you can see in the photos. If you're having problems breaking down, just reverse the install direction of the rail. If you have ideas or suggestions I'm all ears! For myself I am going to adapt this design and put a small laser on the mount instead of picatinny. The lasers are varying sizes so hard to release something for this I think?



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