Rodan 1956(Godzilla PS4)

39 (likes)
9726 (views)
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As a long time Kaiju fan, it is easy to see why Rodan is a classic movie monster.   This file is from the Godzilla Ps4 Game. It was scaled and split by myself. Pretty much every piece of this model will need supports. I recommend you be very careful removing them from areas like the hands, mouth and feet.   The Model is scaled to fit in with Bandai 6 inch Godzilla figures. That scale fits very nicely on my Cr-10 and will fit on smaller printer like the Ender 3. I recommend printing the wings first to check the scaling so it will fit on the print bed.

About the author:
I am a human who likes to make things. What kind of things you might ask. Lots of things, mostly Costume related You can find my things here


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