Rhinoceros Puzzle

9 (likes)
1663 (views)
This product is available only if you have an account in My Mini Factory service

THIS PUZZLE IS NOT FOR CHILDRENThis model is designed to bring awareness to one of the most critically endangered species in the world, the Black Rhinoceros. With their numbers dwindling in the wild this challenging puzzle aims to initiate conversation about conservation!Once complete the pieces can be glued into place and then displayed proudly on the included display stand.This model is unique, beautiful and represents an important issue!Please consider printing and displaying this model in your home or workplace and together we can make further steps towards saving these amazing creatures.   From my Cults3D page 

About the author:
Hi everyone, My name is Renee and I am 22 yrs old. Im fairly new to 3D printing but I absolutely love it. If you have any tips for me please don't hesitate to share :) I love entering design competitions to push the boundaries of my primative design capabilities, whilst still following a brief! If you find flaws in my designs, ways i can improve or more efficient methods for my designs I would love to hear it! I like to learn-as-I-go :) I also have a page on Cults3D with some more designs available :)


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