Remembering the boys - 30th anniversary of First Chechen War Memorial Figure

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406 (views)
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This time, the New Year figure is a special one. Less fun, less cheerful, yet important to remember. It is dedicated to those, who fought and gave their lives during First Chechen War, which began 11Dec 1994. The most notorious battle of that war, First battle of Grozny, was launched 31Dec 1994 In my reflection on what should be done, i have decided not to portray any armaments and focus on more humane side, thus depicting a soldier playing a guitar. This model consist of interchangeable head, one-piece body and separate ammo box. This model is made with 28mm scale in mind but can be printed in 1/72 as well, it is sturdy enough In addition to STL files you will also find a Chitubox pre-supported projects.

About the author:
I focus on creating a modular, realistically proportioned models representing many fighting (and not) forces all around the globe in order to provide fellow gamers with reliable, flexible and eye-pleasing miniatures to play with. You can always find my latest release on my Patreon page:


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