Reading Phone Aid

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1997 (views)
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MTU MSE4777 Educational Aid Assignment Submission When someone is learning to read, it is important for them to read out loud. By reading aloud, the reader is able to work on their pronunciation and fluency skills while in the process of become a proficient reader. One issue with reading out load in a classroom environment is that it can be distracting to other students. This is where a simple phone like device can help. By using this phone, the student can speak quietly while still being able to hear themselves read. This 3D printed phone, designed in OpenSCAD, is meant to serve as an alternative to the “read to self phones” that are on the market. Each phone requires 2 phone cups and 1 connecting tube. The assembly is very straightforward, so students can be involved in the assembly of their very own phone! Based on $20 per roll of PLA plastics, 1 phone could be printed for less than $1.25 in material cost. The OpenSCAD files are included, so feel free to make any changes to the design. Market Equivalents: $6.65 per phone $1.39 per phone 



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