Raspberry Pi Case for 3" PVC

12 (likes)
2236 (views)
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This case is designed to house a Raspberry Pi 4, a 20Ah battery, USB accessories (like an RTL-SDR), and a 30mm fan inside a 3" PVC pipe. GPIO pins are accessible, making powering the fan or using GPIO peripheral simple and easy. The 3D printed finger springs create a tight fit in the pipe. A 90 degree USB-C cable is required to fit everything inside the PVC, such as found here: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07Z9Y9L1P/ref=ppxyodtbsearchasinimage?ie=UTF8&psc=1&tag=tv-auto-20  

About the author:
I'm an electrical engineering student, with a BS in physics and chemistry. I like to use my skills to support physics projects, or make projects more accessible to others.


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