Raspberry Pi 4 5inch TFT Display Case with Fan

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This is a case for the Pi 4 with a 5-inch TFT display, which connects to the Pi via an HDMI to Micro HDMI adapter. A fan can be installed to keep both the Pi and display cool. The fan is powered via the display's expansion pads (+5V). Some blade scraping may be required on the pen to ensure it fits snugly into the pen port. You may need to enlarge the mounting holes on the 3010 fan to fit it into the case. Do a test fit first. Please be careful and avoid applying too much pressure; guide the components into place by gently wiggling them. The print should be done at a 0.28mm layer height with 6 walls for a solid print. You can cut and attach 1mm thick, 10mm circular pads for the stand; the stand is meant to be detachable and friction-mounted via the adapter. Use six 8mm long M2 countersunk self-tapping screws to secure the case and adapter together. Apply a patch of masking tape to the heads of the adapter screws to prevent them from coming into contact with the Raspberry Pi PCB.

About the author:
I love making things!!


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