Procedural Buildings

41 (likes)
4659 (views)
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Hi! 25 procedurally generated buildings ready to print. Procedurally creatid using a implementation of 'Wave function collapse' algorithm in Processing. Info about the algorithm: search #wavefunctioncollapse tag in twitter or check my Twitter profile @ferjerez3d My settings for prints in photos: 2 shells, 3 top/bottoms, 0.2 mms layer. Low infill (10%-15% using 'gradual infill' in Cura slicer to save time/material) Models in photos printed using 'Fillamentum' materials Have fun!

About the author:
Hi from Spain! I design and print as a hobby. As a programmer i love OpenSCAD and all the stuff related to algorithmic art. (generative, procedural, simulation,etc.) I pay the bills working as a teacher of Computer Science. Always it's great to share my design so i hope you find something useful, funny or challenging in my stuff.


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