PLA-Tonix : Tetrahedron

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435 (views)
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PLA-Tonix is a series of 3D printed Platonic solids that use hinges to open up and show cross sectional geometry. This tetrahedron uses internal hinges to display two separate cross sections (i.e. two triangles). The pictured model was printed in PETG, but it can easily be printed in PLA as well. I've included the gcode toolpath for the Prusa Mini+ and Ender 3 for those who just want to plug and play. Sliced with PrusaSlicer, but Cura will also work. Gcode settings are for 0.4mm nozzles and PLA. NOTE: This model is actively being developed as part of a college Capstone course. Expect eventual changes to the model!

About the author:
I'm a graduating senior at Berry College, where I'm studying Creative Technologies. I work as an engineering intern at Wire Tech, LTD in Rome, Georgia, and I have experience in 3D printing, 3D modeling, and Fusion 360.


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