Phrozen Transform Fanport exhaust

3 (likes)
1876 (views)
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I put a little bit of work in and made some new brackets for the exhaust fanport. again, this is just a test, I may end up having to install a exhaust fan to pull as I don't know if the exhaust fanport fan can push all that way. Brackets are set up for a 4in diameter dryer machine hose. Needs two brackets, one for the left side exhaust fanport, and one for the rear. PRINT THESE IN BLACK OR PAINT BLACK, THE UV LIGHT MAKES THEM GLOW BLUE. WORK IN PROGRESS, USE AT YOUR OWN RISK. EDIT 1: Needs a little more work. The hose barely clears the machine, may be too close. Will be modifying to make it fit better. File has been adjusted to reflect said change. EDIT 2: Extruded hose clamp area to increase clearance room for the hose. I added little slots for "rare earth magnets" to fit in so you don't have to use double sided tape! I also added a y tube for two hoses to merge into one. Simplify3d says it does not need any supports, but I am currently printing a test one now. EDIT 3: I have updated the Fan shroud, and I'm fairly confidant that this will be the last version I make for this file as it works very well and effectively! I have been testing extensively with its function and have found that this newest one works the best.   The parts I used to build my set up are as follows. Exhaust fan: 10mmx1mm Megnets: Use a rasp to rough up magnets, then super glue into holes. Use large strong zipties to hold 4 inch dryer hose onto fan shroud. Easy as that.

About the author:
I've been playing with the printing programs for a long time, but have only started printing myself in early 2013. I really enjoy printing and designing, it's a passion and something I hope to become better at as I continue to do this! I'm a huge Destiny fan! I print using a Wanhao duplicator 4, and a FT5 DIY kit that I built myself. If you'd like to find out more about what/how I do my projects, follow the links!


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