Peacock Mug / Vase / Lampshade

30 (likes)
4511 (views)
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We designed this mug using Z-Brush and an AI to make all details printable without support. The mug is 12cm tall and has 7.5cm opening. With the right material, the resulting mug is coffee-proof and dishwasher-safe :) You can also put a lamp inside, due to the varying thickness, it looks quite cool as a lampshade. Or you can use it as a vase and put flowers inside instead of coffe. FYI, this is the first one in a series, we'll have Butterfly and Dolphin mug designs as well as a butterfly lampshade soon. Our objects are meant for hobbyists/enthusiasts like us. But we also own a design company, so contact us if you're interested in a commercial license.   EDIT: Butterfly and Dolphin are online now.   EDIT 2: Here's the Butterfly lampshade / candle wind protector:  

About the author:
Hi there, we're a small Software & Design company from northern Germany.


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