Painting Handle

120 (likes)
6659 (views)
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Mini-fig painting handle. Just recently started painting miniatures and I found I wasn't quite happy with the 3D printable mini handles that I saw online. They were lacking some features which I desired.  -Firstly-- my design has a hole through the handle, and divots on the slides at the center point. This is for holding a model that's been glued onto a toothpick or dowel. I like to do this for models that aren't glued to a base yes and don't have a convenient way to hold them. The dimples in the top slides next to the center divots also allow for a little more bite when using blue tak to hold an irregular model up from the handle. - Secondly-- there is a cavity in the bottom. This is for either a 1/2" round magnet, or a 1/4" washer to be glued in. I like to store my models up out of the way ona magnetic strip while they're drying. - Thirdly-- for easy of assembly, the top slides can be assembled and then put onto the main body of the handle to make it easier in genral to assemble. - Lastly -- The facetted design of the body allows for it to be braced against a table edge or something in case the person using it has unsteady hands.   Uses a #16 rubber band doubled over for the spring. It can fit most common mini bases, even up to 3" diameter using the outer most lips on the slides.. If you think of any features/adjustments please let me know and I can update it. FOR ASSEMBLY: I found it easiest to make a long U shape from a bent paper clip to feed the rubber band through the slides easier.



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