Ottoman sipahi and Aragonese mercenary

33 (likes)
2455 (views)
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Based on one of my very favorit historical illustration from Jose Daniel Cabrera Peña. The part I love is with these two very colorful and different characters, he presents a create battle and larger event that is the Fall of Constantinople. I loved it so much. But the porportion is not realistic, I am also a big fan of historical wargaming, because of that these were created in heroic scale and designed it for 28-30mm height, but you can scale it, if you want to. Sipahi warrior has many small detail (chainmail) that might require to be printed in 0.025mm height. Tho I haven't tried it on 0.05mm. Be careful with the Sipahi axe, helmet tip and the sword of the Aragonese, they are thin.

About the author:
I am a self thought 3d artist with passion in modeling and designing high detailed, war gaming miniatures with modular components for both historical and fantasy to sci fi aesthetics. I also planning on becoming an animator and video game developer, that would like to bring back the 80s mature but cartoonish style, most of my inspirations comes from old warhammer art of John Blanche, Mark Gibbon, Adrian Smith, "mutant chronicles" art from Paul Bonner, their high detailed battle scenes with sea of warriors clashing with each other. I also big fan of dawn of war 1 Blood raven trailer, "Heavy metal" 1981 Captain Sternn sequence, and old soviet era cartoons, also 90s era Shirow Masamune and Katsuhiko Nishijima animes and modern Eric Powel, Hayami rasenjin, Kagemachi, Tomi Akihito comic/manga artists. I also want to bring a spotlight to many historical interesting events, eras and people that I believe, are not getting the attention they deserve. For example Mongolian conquests, Ottoman invasions, Crimean war, Russian civil war, ww2 siege of Leningrad, Japan conquest of China, Indochina War and etc. There are so many interesting historical events that the mainstream American and Japanese entertainment seems to ignore and concentration more on mindless entertainment at the expense of historical realism. I want to create both entertaining and educational media. This was a big dream of mine since I was little, but never had the opportunity do so, until now. My big plan is to create a studio for animation and game development that provide all of it and if you interested in m journey, I'll be happy for any weary travelers to join me in my adventures.


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