OpenForge Tools: Magnetic Clamps

70 (likes)
3472 (views)
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These magnetic clamps are designed so that you can glue perfect 90 degree angles. Since we so regularly need to glue parts in our hobby, I designed these after seeing them used on Terranscapes. In order to ensure the resulting part is strong, it needs to be tuned to your specific printer. The reason is, we want the wall thickness to be an exact multiplier of the nozzle so that it creates a really strong wall. I strongly recommend you customize your prints if your nozzle is any size other then 0.4mm (which is my printer's nozzle, and thus the size on all the stls). With stronger magnets you will probably want 3 walls of thickness, but with weaker ones you will do fine with 2. I've included a bunch of videos below testing the clamps at various strengths, and the original review that gave me the idea. For instructions on how to get started with OpenForge, take a look at our tutorials. OpenForge is now a patron supported project. I use the resources that my patrons give me in order to get the resources to let me create more sophisticated tiles with a greater level of detail. Please, support me, and I’ll deliver an ongoing stream of awesome gaming terrain. You can find more about OpenForge and Masterwork Tools at our: Online catalog and backer site Website Forums (Mostly we use facebook now) Twitter Facebook



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