Neo Pixel and Feather Enclosure

12 (likes)
3093 (views)
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An Electronics enclosure for Adafruit Feather ESP8266 and a 16 LED neopixel ring. Neopixels:  Adafruit Huzzah Feather:  (Affiliate Links) I designed this for a project to connect my 3d Printer to alexa, check it out here:    This can be assembled in a few configurations as seen in the first few photos. I personally like having a clear ring to dull the light a little bit, and the full cover is a little much for my taste. The top screws into the base and everything else should snap together.

About the author:
I am Miles Nash, a high school student from Colorado. It is my dream to learn more about the world around me and invent something great. I create many electronics projects, 3d print time lapses, and other inventive things. I am excited to continue my work in the coming years, and further deepen my understanding for electronics and the engineering process.


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