N-Scale Turnabout Pizza

42 (likes)
2691 (views)
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Here is my model of Turnabout Pizza in Lemont Illinois. I’m working on a new layout and I’m modeling all the places I have worked. This was my first attempt at designing a building. It turned out pretty good  I model N scale so to print scale to 25.4. I included an interior, but for anything other than N scale it would lack detail you might need. Requires no supports. Access holes include for lighting. Sand to exact fit. Building: To get the most detail print with your lower layer height, slower speed down and 100% fill for detail ( N scale mainly ),  PRINT UPSIDE DOWN, no supports needed. Interior: Detail was designed for n scale so it is lacking if scaled above N. Because of this detail printing can be done at average height, average speed, average fill. Roof: Average height, average speed, average fill  

Another Big Kid Production


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